Nice Source of Peanut Butter Treat Recipes

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Peanut Butter Treats lens on Squidoo has a nice collection of cake, cookie, brownie, and cupcake recipes. The Peanut Butter 'N' Jelly Cake recipe looks like one my mom made when I was young, and I loved it! Our recipe has since disappeared, so I'll be trying this one out soon. I'm also looking forward to trying out the Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes I found there--they look delicious!

The lens is missing a few categories but it looks like a new lens, so maybe they'll add candies, pies, and more soon. (Lens master, if you're reading this, consider it a request from a new fan!)


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Clipping Path Service said...

Peanut butter is my favorite, so glad to found this blog.