I'm In, Are You?

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Entrecard Cookbook (not just recipes) is a creative project to share with the Entrecard community. It is totally volunteer on the part of staff and participants. They are collecting recipes and other creative works, such as tidbits of humor, web comics, and "other" (i.e., poetry, drawings, and sketches).

Submissions will be made into an Ebook with links to the participating blogs. The Ebook will be distributed via the Entrecard "official" site (it will be turned over to them when it is finished). Contributors also receive a post that includes a link to their blog on the Entrecard Cookbook Blog.

The Peanut Butter Blog has submitted a recipe, and from what I can tell there's still room for more contributions. Check out the official Entrecard Cookbook Blog for complete details and to contribute something.