Peanut Butter is Fine Art

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I am constantly amazed at the number of artists who consider peanut butter a suitable subject for their work. It's so wonderful to know I'm not alone in my opinion of peanut butter, and I consider these people geniuses! This 5 x 7" painting is titled Peanut Butter Toast for Breakfast No. 2, and was painted in oils on archival canvas by Canadian artist R. L. Cosentino. $150 from Cosentino Fine Art.


Jean9 said...

Your peanut butter blog amazes me! I would never have guessed there was so many unique and interesting ways to use peanut butter or objects about peanut butter like peanut butter cuff links! Interesting I always wait to see what is next!

Eliot said...

I love peanut butter with grape jam stripes! ^^; MmmMm.

I hope we could be ECbuddies. ^^;

You also might be interested in joining my contests. You'll receive a photo taken from the Diamond Mountain in N.Korea. It was taken by me in Summer of 2007. ^^;

1) Are We Beyond Redemption? - Whoever adopts this tag will receive a special wallpaper quality photo of Geumgang Mountain in North Korea, photo taken in Summer of 2007.
2) Weapons of Mass ECtractions - Top 3 EntreCard droppers will receive rare photos of North Korea's Mt. Geumgang.
3) The Clutter Junkster - This links to some interesting back posts. For every 7 comments, blogger will receive a special photo taken from North Korea, Summer of 2007

Have a great week ahead! Cheers!

Petula said...

LOL... where do you find this stuff? I am so amazed with your blog that I shared it with a non-blogging friend!